OBJECTIVES June 26, 2019 OBJECTIVES OF THE SHED BOARD 1.To improve socio-economic conditions of underprivileged sections of people with special focus to l...Read More
MISSION June 26, 2019 MISSION To minister to the needs of the people, demonstrate His love through dedication and service to all, irrespective of caste, cre...Read More
VISION June 26, 2019 VISION A society where each and every human being will be able to freely pursue his/her human, social and economic goals with self-r...Read More
BAPTIST SANGHA SCHOOL FOR BLIND GIRL'S HOSTEL (BSSBGH) June 21, 2019 BAPTIST SANGHA SCHOOL FOR BLIND GIRL'S HOSTEL (BSSBGH) Baptist Sangha School for Blind Girls (BSSBG) began in 1977 with five b...Read More
BAPTIST MISSION PARBOT ASROY CHILDREN VILLAGE,RANGAMATI June 21, 2019 BAPTIST MISSION PARBOT ASROY CHILDREN VILLAGE,RANGAMATI This is a hilly area and is covered with lake and lines so it is difficult...Read More
THE BAPTIST CHILDREN VILLAGE (BCV) KHULNA June 21, 2019 THE BAPTIST CHILDREN VILLAGE (BCV) KHULNA Baptist Children Village (BCV)-Khulna is established in the south part of big and wonder...Read More
BAPTIST MISSION BOY'S HOSTEL SADARGHAT, DHAKA June 21, 2019 BAPTIST MISSION BOY'S HOSTEL SADARGHAT, DHAKA Reverend Bevan Jones comes to Dhaka on 1910 as a BMS Missionary and Mr. Peter Nobe...Read More
BAPTIST MISSION GIRL'S HOSTEL, BARISAL June 21, 2019 BAPTIST MISSION GIRL'S HOSTEL, BARISAL Baptist Mission Girls' School Hostel was established when School founded in Janua...Read More
BAPTIST MISSION BOY'S HOSTEL, BARISAL June 21, 2019 BAPTIST MISSION BOY'S HOSTEL, BARISAL Baptist Mission Boys' School Hostel was established when School founded in 1914 an...Read More
BAPTIST MISSION BOYS’ HOSTEL KUTIBARI, DINAJPUR June 21, 2019 BAPTIST MISSION BOYS’ HOSTEL KUTIBARI, DINAJPUR SHED Board is presently operating one boys’ hostel & one girls hostel in Dinajpu...Read More
BAPTIST MISSION GIRL'S HOSTEL KUTIBARI, DINAJPUR. June 21, 2019 BAPTIST MISSION GIRL'S HOSTEL KUTIBARI, DINAJPUR. A common understanding is established in Bangladesh, ‘women’s position are...Read More
Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC June 20, 2019 "At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos do...Read More
what is preschool education? June 20, 2019 what is preschool education? A preschool, also known as nursery school, pre-primary school, playschool or kindergarten, is an e...Read More
DO YOU KNOW, WHAT IS PRESCHOOL AGE RANGE ? June 20, 2019 Ages & Stages – Preschool Children. Three and four-year-old children are often called preschoolers. Preschool children want to t...Read More
WHAT ARE THE $ STAGES OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT YOUR COUNTRY. June 20, 2019 What are the 4 stages of child development? Piaget's four stages: Stage Age Goal Sensorimotor Birth...Read More
Where does it come from? June 20, 2019 Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, m...Read More
Why do we use it? June 20, 2019 It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The po...Read More
including versions of Lorem Ipsum June 20, 2019 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy te...Read More